Sunday, 30 April 2017

What works for you!

Hi guys! So I've made a list of things to consider when choosing where and when to study.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:
Do I study better at night or in the morning?
Am I more focussed working at a table or lounging around?
Is constant snacking an avoidance tactic or does eating help me concentrate?
What's the best environment for me? Lamplight, bright light or daylight? Cool room or warm room? Tidy or untidy room?
Do I study best when I am with a group of friends? Or is this just time spent chatting? Do I focus more when working alone?
I hope this helped you guys!
Be Kind and Have Courage - Advice xoxo

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Ways to reward😇

hi guys, so today I'm going to share with you things you should do to reward yourself after studying.

  1. If your reading a book, put a small sweet on a section of the page and eat it when you read that section.
  2. After 2 hours of study, you get to watch 1 episode of your favourite TV series.
  3. After a test, Reward yourself by buying yourself something you've wanted to buy for a while.
  4. if you get over a certain amount in your test, Treat yourself and go a day out.
  5. If you do more study hours than planned, take a day off.
Hope this helped, Good luck!!!

Be Kind and Have Courage - XOXO Courage

Sunday, 16 April 2017

How to make studying happen!

Hi guys! So I'm going to give you 4 easy steps to make studying actually happen! Its fair enough telling you how to study but these steps really will help.

1. Understand
Take time to think about what it is you are learning, how does it relate to you, if you don't get it, ask someone.

2. Condense
It is not possible to remember absolutely everything at once. Make coloured notes, mind maps or use post it notes to organise the key points.

3. Memorise
Rather than just reading over your notes, think of ways to make things more memorable and store information in your head so it can easily be found when it comes to your exam. Use mnemonics, funny stories, rhymes or songs and try to relate what you are remembering to you personally.

4. Review
Learning without reviewing is a bit like filling a bath with water without putting in the plug! Make time to come back and check that you remember what you have learned. Test yourself or ask someone to test you after a few weeks and again after a few months. Don't let all your hard work drain away, put the bath plug in!

Good luck for your exams guys!!

Be Kind and Have Courage - Advice xoxo

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Study Websites🌏

Hi Everyone, so today I'm just going to do a short post telling you some of my favourite Study websites.

Be Kind and Have Courage- XOXO Courage 

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Creative Study Methods!

Hi guys! As a part of our study series I thought I'd share a list of study methods which are proven to help memorise information but it depends on how your brain works.

- Make up mnemonics
- Draw a mind map
- Make the mind map smaller
- Coloured pens
- Make it personal
- Make up a song
- Make flash cards
- Teach others
- Google it
- Use post it notes
- Redraw mind map
- Think it through
- Make up a story with the information
- Do past papers
- Ask questions
- Repeat your mnemonic
- Get your friend to test you
- Use your flash cards
- Ask your teachers

I hope this helped you with your studying!

Be Kind and Have Courage - Advice xoxo