Thursday, 26 May 2016

5 Ways to Jazz up your Room🛍

Hi everyone, im so so so sorry that we havent posted in a while but as we are still in school, we have been stressed with tests and we have also moved up a year. So sorry again for that and todays post is a little extra and there will also be a post on sunday too.

Today im going to talk about 5 ways to jazz up your room/living space!

Number 1: Photos

Photographs are such a good way to personalise your room and also to display some nice memories. I prefer to use polaroid style pictures as i like to go for a more tumblr look to my room but you could do any style that you like. You can get £5/€5worth of free photos to spend on lalalab with the code PG2M705F to get you started with this tip!

Number 2: Fairy Lights

Now lets be honest, everyone loves a bit of fairy lights here and there! What i suggest is to get some fairy lights ( you can gets these for as little as £2 in places like primark) and hang them maybe over your bed or round some photographs! Fairy light make your place look so much more cosy and put together! I love them!!

Number 3: Candles

If you are looking to make your room more relaxing and cosy, then this is the tip for you! I honestly dont know how many candles i have around my room but they just set the mood and make you feel so much more calm and it gives a nice little kick to your room! And also, whatever candle brand you go for, they have a scent to match EVERYONES preferences.

Number 4: Blankets

I dont know anyone who doesnt like a good old blanket! You can find good quality fluffy blankets for very cheap prices and you can get one to match any room setting! I like to get blankets to match my bedding and it just pulls your whole room together and makes it a bit more you! Blankets are such a good feature in your room to just snuggle up with and watch a but of tv!

Number 5: Mirrors

Finally, this might sound stange but if you have a small space to work with, mirrors can guarantee the look of a bigger room/space no matter where you out them, and also, you can always take a cheeky little selfie in them now and again!

Thats all the tips i have for today! I hope some of these helped you to finiding tour perfect room set up! Please make sure to comment any new blog ideas and to follow us so youll never miss an upload!

Be Kind and have Courage~ xoxo Courage

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